Ayla Cloud Platform Usage Policy

Data Availability

ImmediateBy RequestTotal
Device DataDatapoints3 months2 years 9 months3 years
Data Export Files
Log Files 3 months
Mobile DataLog Files
System DataDevice Metadata20 years20 years
User Metadata
Service Data
ReportsTransaction Reports
Insights Reports1 year1 year


OperationDescriptionTransaction Count
Send DataManaged Properties: Send integer, boolean, string, message or decimal property or metadata value to the cloud from a device, mobile app or feeds.1 transaction for every 4KB of data sent for each transmission to the cloud.
Example 1: 1 datapoint is sent as a String with a size of 1KB, this will count as 1 transaction.
Example 2: 7 datapoints are sent in a Batch, with a size of 6KB, this will count as 2 transactions.
Streaming Only Properties: Send integer, boolean, string, message or decimal property or metadata value to the cloud from a device or mobile app for a "streaming only” property.0.5 transaction for every 4KB of data sent for each transmission to the cloud.
Example 1: 1 datapoint is sent as a Message property with a size of 10KB, this will count as 1.5 transactions.
Example 2: 7 datapoints are sent in a Batch, with a size of 3KB, this will count as 0.5 transactions, only if all 7 datapoints are for streaming only properties. For batches with part managed properties and part streaming only properties, these will be counted as a managed property batch transaction.
Stream DataDSSv1: Stream a integer, boolean, string, message or decimal property or metadata value from the cloud using the Cloud Data Streaming Service v1 (websockets).1 transaction per datapoint streamed.
DSSv2: Stream a integer, boolean, string, message or decimal property or metadata value from the cloud using the Cloud Data Streaming Service v2 (AWS Kinesis, Azure Event Hub).1 transaction per 1KB of data streamed across all streaming transmissions. For example, if 2000 datapoints are streamed in one day and that results in a total size of 50KB, that will count as 50 transactions for that day.
Files and OTAUpload a file property or log file from the device or mobile app.1 transaction for every 8KB uploaded for each transmission to the cloud. For example, if the file is 21KB, that will count as 3 transactions.
Download a file property or OTA Image to a device, mobile app or web app1 transaction for every 8KB downloaded for each transmission from the cloud. For example, if the recipe file is 1KB, that will count as 1 transaction.
RulesEvaluate a Rule Condition.1 transaction for every 1000 rules evaluated
Execute a Rule Action.1 transaction per rule action triggered
Execute a Data Lake Rule.0.25 transactions for every datapoint processed
Query to Retrieve Data Lake Rule results.1 transaction per query
SMSSend an SMS Notification.250 transactions per SMS notification
AnalyticsSend property or metadata to analytics pipeline for processing or Machine Learning model training.1 transaction per 1000 datapoints sent for model training.
Query to retrieve analytics output or to evaluate data against the ML model.1 transaction per query
ConnectivityProvide a secure, authenticated connection between your devices and the Ayla cloud platform.n/a
ProvisioningProvision the device with a unique key and serial number. Run manufacturing scripts at the factory for secure provisioning.n/a
RegistrationRegister a user on the platform and associate a device to the user.n/a
Device TemplatesThe templates that define the properties, metadata and configuration of the device.n/a
SearchSearching the platform for devices, users, properties and data.n/a
Read/Retrieve a non-file property value from the Service API.n/a
Service APIUpdate user, template, schedule or device metadata information.n/a
Data ExportGenerate and download data export file from cloud.n/a
SchedulesDownload Schedule data to the device.n/a
Device SharingExecute family share actions.n/a
LAN ModeDirect mobile app control over LANn/a
User ManagementUser management actions including creating, updating, authenticating and deleting users.n/a
Role-based Access ControlConfiguration and updates of Role Based Access Controls and user permission management.n/a
StorageData transfer and storage across all storage types.n/a